Festivals |
are pretty slow at the moment, as fest promoters are just
now starting to awaken from the winter doldrums to begin to
plan their events and look for talent. |
Getting Out of the Game |
Knowing when to fold ’em is a valuable asset, especially when the stakes can be life and death. Bluesmen Bob Stroger and Lonnie Brooks packed it in as gamblers while they still could tell their tales. |
Cool in School |
Inspired by musician Charles Atkins, Dane Gillebrand started the Sir Charles Blues Lab to restore a proud tradition of musical education at inner city Locke High School in Los Angeles. |
One of the Gang |
Record and memorabilia collector, music historian, scribe, poet and hipster, Wes Race has made loving the blues his lifestyle. |
Voice of the Bottom |
Singing bass players aren’t exactly commonplace, maybe because it’s not an easy trick. Willie Kent has done it for a long time and made a lot of friends — and fans — along the way. |
Something About Michelle |
Not your basic blues shouter, Michelle Willson has finally found a crew of musicians who are on the same page with her. The result is a sophisticated brew of blues bordering on jazz. |